
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Secret....Shhhh

You all know by now that I like and am fairly good at lots of different types of crafts. Here's something I bet you didn't know. I can't sew, not a stitch with a machine anyway. Every time I try I get gummed up thread on the back, uneven lines, it always looks like a kindergartner did it. Actually I think a kindergartner could probably do a better job! I suck, plain and simple. :)

Today I attended a seminar over at Lay out a Day called Get Your Stitch On. The theme was all about sewing on paper and I thought that would be so cool if I could learn to at least do that. Great information, fun class with fun people. Aftewardr I pulled out the sewing machine and a project and gave it a whirl. Guess what!!!! I still suck LOL, couldn't do it. I tried all the tips she gave and still it looked like doo doo. So what was my answer? BUY RIBBON THAT LOOKS LIKE IT WAS SEWN! He he he... I knew I'd find a way around it.

With that in mind, I am finishing the project and will have it ready for you to see later today or tomorrow at the latest. The project is even a charitable one so I'm glad I could make it work.

Til then...

Love ya,


  1. I know that problem I find it happens when I put my bobbin in backwards good luck with your sewing machine :) hugs Nikki

  2. Happy Valentine's day^_^
    Me too I'm not good with sewing machine,meybe one day became little good^_^
    Big hug,

  3. It's so good to know I'm not alone ladies :)

  4. Me too!! I do not know how to operate it ;) My mother wanted me to learn it :)
    and hey Deb, I'm not getting any of these posts on my Google Reader, though I'm a follower of your blog.. I have to see what to do about that!!

    1. Let me put it to you this way, for graduations both my sisters got sewing machines. I got a type writer LOL Mothers have great intentions but some of us just can't figure it out :)


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