Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I Gave In!

So I told you in a post here. That I don't do St. Pat's day, and I don't. but I found this Saturday Evening Post (SEP) vintage photo while searching the public domain and I couldn't resist. I love the old post covers so even though I don't celebrate, have no idea who to give this too, I made it anyway.

So here's my one hat tip to St. Patrick and his follower's!

See that green lattice in the back? You know those rubbery plastic things they put over liquor bottles to keep them from breaking? Yah, that's one of those. All the ribbon came from Michael's along with the shamrock, and the stick pin is one I made.

So that's it. And I'll still pinch back if you pinch me! LOL

Love ya,


  1. even we do not celebrate St. Patrick's day.. Love the way u have used the green net kind-of thing.. I've been saving those that I get with apples and onions and hope to use it someday :)

    1. They come in handy occasionally ;) I thought it was perfect behind this image. Only used something similar once before though. Give it a try!


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